Deists tend to believe in a creator god who doesn't necessarily have a concern with individual humans. Think of their god as a scientist alien outside, our universe, who's entertaining himself watching us critters evolve.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
A serious question for any who believe in any God of any religion who think God is interested in humans.
by smiddy inthe world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
Village Idiot
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
Village Idiot
I don't know of any Christian religion that wishes to follow the following Bible texts literally:
There is a religious philosophy known as Theonomy (Reconstructionism) that advocates taking over society and imposing pure Old Testament civil law. There's only a few hundred thousand of them along with millions of Theonomists lite but they are well connected politically. Michele Bachmann's university professor John Eidsmoe - which she fondly recalls as her mentor - is a Theonomist.
These people have a multi-generational time schedule for taking over society. They already are well represented in the lower political echelons of Southern and Midwestern states.
An example is Vice-President Mike Pence, not quite a Theonomist but definitely a Christian Nationalist, who believes in the supremacy of his brand of Christianity.
Hi I'm new to the site
by Raque Invierno inhi everyone, i've just registered and thought i might introduce myself and tell my experience.
my name's raquel.. i was born into a jw family.
i started leading a double life around 14y/o and got caught drinking by another sister when i was 15 and saw that as my opportunity to quit the panthomime and stopped going to the meetings.
Village Idiot
Welcome to the forum Raque Invierno. -
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
Village Idiot
Eva Luna,
With my grandson , we did a heavy metal cleanse.
What kind of cleanse? Was it chelation therapy? If so, how did you go about receiving it?
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
Village Idiot
Nevuela, I agree that there is over-diagnosis of many illnesses but there is such a thing as ADD; depression; bi-polar behavior in children. I am an example of that.
Whether they should be medicated is a separate issue and one I don't pretend to have the answers to. It is unfortunate that a teacher's word was taken as a medical observation by the psychiatrist who treated you.
2017 Circuit Assembly: Lesbians at school demonstration
by darkspilver insteve2: is there some way this can be presented so that it is crystal clear what was actually in the demonstrations and what was added?
i guess some will think it should be obvious - but this is where misunderstandings arise because we end up wrongly attributing something to jw organization that was never said.. circuit assembly theme: maintain love for jehovah!.
note to speaker: warmly encourage young ones to prove their friendship with jehovah by observing his commandments and defending his standards.
Village Idiot
Hannah: Well, I respect Ashley and Jessica... [and I'll keep respecting them until I see them die a brutal death at Armageddon.]
Orwell's 1984. Turned into a theatre stage play performance!
by stuckinarut2 in
this looks interesting!!
a modern take on orwell's classic 1984.. we all have found the comparison of orwell's book to witness life to be fascinating, so this could be a great play to see!.
Village Idiot
I absolutely loved the book, hated the movie...
There were two different 1984 movies that I recall. Maybe you'll like the other one.
ADHD Caused by Chemo
by azor ini just found out yesterday that my son who is less than a year out of treatment for leukemia has adhd caused by the chemo that saved his life.
does anyone here have any experience with this?
primarily looking for books or resources that helped you or your loved ones..
Village Idiot
I cannot speak from experience but I've heard that some strains of medical marijuana can assist with ADHD as well as relieve pain caused by cancer and lack of appetite caused by chemo. It would be a Sativa strain (Not Indica) and it could be bought as tincture. A tincture is a liquid form of the medication that comes in a little bottle that has an eye dropper. It can give a precise dose. No smoking required. Google it and you should come up with a wealth of information on the subject.
I too have ADD and am just beginning to experiment with medical marijuana to see what works best. If I find a good strain (there are hundreds) I'll pm you. Even without the ADD issues it would still be a good idea to take medical marijuana by any cancer or post cancer patient.
There are non-psychoactive strains of marijuana that have been bred just to ease pain but without the high. Charlotte's Web is one of those strains. That particular strain does not do anything for ADD though.
Check this out for starters:
PS: I would stay away from "conventional" medications, like Adderall which are highly addictive.
If you had the power ....
by Landy in...would you choose to ban the jw religion?.
if you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?.
Village Idiot
The reason religious institutions are not taxed in the U.S. is because of mutual arrangement that was made between the state and church.
Government would not tax them because they can use that power to favor one religion over another. The church in turn would not engage in political affairs. It's part of the separation of church and state. If you remove one the other will fail.
If you had the power ....
by Landy in...would you choose to ban the jw religion?.
if you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?.
Village Idiot
I would enforced a compassionate deprogramming with information to what has intrinsically happened to them and to the reasons why.
I know where you're coming from Fink but that's still too authoritarian for me. The only thing I would do is to broadcast in public TV everything the public needs know about the religions/organizations they're in or thinking of getting in.
Broadcasting the ARC videos and others on public TV would be a fantastic way of reaching the public and would demoralize many JWs.